⚩ARENA Token

What is the token address of ARENA?

$ARENA (ETH Mainnet): 0x7512200f2Ae3E1625a060d589348716F65923D75

The ARENA token is deployed on Ethereum network via Saintbot

What are the tokenomics of ARENA?
  • Total Supply: 1,000,000. Fully circulating, non-dilutive.

  • Fair launch - 100% of the token supply was added to liquidity at launch and locked.

  • Trading Taxes: Buy: 5% | Sell: 5%

    • 1% goes to revenue sharing of ARENA holders.

    • 1% goes to liquidity pool.

    • 0.6% goes to each week's contest prize pool.

    • 1.5% goes to marketing, partnerships and team.

    • 0.75% goes to Saintbot.

    • 0.15% goes to the referrer we used.

  • 20% of contest token transactions fees to holders.

  • Be a holder of 2000 ARENA tokens or more to be entitled to revenue sharing.

What are the benefits of holding ARENA?

Holding 2,000 ARENA tokens or more entitles you to the following benefits:

  • Entitles you to revenue sharing - not yet live, however all revenue earned for holders will be retroactively shared.

  • Access to our Telegram holders' channel where you can discuss alpha, propose new features, and access a dedicated support channel - coming soon.

Last updated