ADM Prize Pools

What are prize pools comprised of?

  • 0.6% of all $ARENA token trading volume will go to a master prize pool. This will ensure a minimum prize pool allocation is available for the upcoming contest. There is a 1 ETH contest prize minimum.

  • 2.18% of the current $ADM contest token trading volume will go to the current ADM contest prize pool.

  • If the current ADM contest prize pool < 1ETH

    • Then the master pool prize will fund the current contest prize pool to ensure the current prize pool = 1 ETH.

  • If the current ADM contest prize pool >= 1 ETH

    • Then the master prize pool minimum allocation will disregard the current prize pool and fund the upcoming prize pool ensuring a 1 ETH minimum prize pool.

  • If the current ADM contest prize pool >=6 ETH (the prize pool threshold)

    • Then 20% of the prize pool's value earned after the threshold is met will go towards the upcoming ADM prize pool.

Current Prize Pool Threshold Not Met 1. Example scenario: ARENA Prize Pool Allocation funds portion of Current Contest Prize Pool

  • $ARENA has accumulated 1 ETH in the master prize pool - satisfying the contest prize minimum.

  • The active contest ADM has accumulated 0.5 ETH in the current prize pool.

    • 0.5 ETH from the master prize pool goes to the current prize pool ensuring a 1 ETH prize pool minimum.

Current Prize Pool Threshold Met 2. Example scenario:

ARENA Prize Pool Allocation disregards Current Contest Prize Pool

  • $ARENA has accumulated 1 ETH in the master prize pool.

  • The active contest ADM has accumulated 1 ETH in the current prize pool.

  • Current prize pool >= 1 ETH (contest prize minimum)

    • 1 ETH from the master prize pool allocation will go towards the next ADM prize pool.

    • 1 ETH is awarded from the current prize pool

Current Prize Pool Threshold Met 3. Example scenario:

  • Active ADM contest has accumulated 8 ETH in its prize pool, 2 ETH over the 6 ETH prize pool threshold.

    • 0.4 ETH will go toward the Master prize pool - 20% of 2 ETH.

    • 7.6 ETH is awarded to the active ADM prize pool.

Prize Pool breakdown of ADM trading volume:

Last updated